The Owlett is a little device that sits in the corner of your room that can help you identify the objects around your house. You can simply place an item in front of it, wait a few seconds, and it will describe it for you in detail. It is able to identify what the object is, the colour of the object and any writing that it may have on it. It is accessible and easy to use and is able to eliminate background interference by providing a dedicated area to place objects, so that the device cannot wrongly identify an object.
‘I see a ball of wool, its blue’
After watching a parent slowly lose their vision and begin to feel isolated from the people and things around them, as many blind and partially sighted people do, Billy Wood imagined a camera that could easily identify objects to help around the house and ease feelings of isolation. After many prototypes and testing and input from Blind charities, Billy’s imagined camera became the Owlett.
“I see a Christmas card. The text says, To a very Special Couple with Love this Christmas”
We think the Owlett is a very useful, accessible piece of technology that is simple to use and has the potential to have a positive impact on the lives of blind or visually impaired people living in Dorset. If you would like more information please visit the website: .