The fantastic volunteers at the Ferndown Blind Club, that dedicate their time to support over 40 visually impaired people by running the fortnightly social club, providing and organising transport, organising entertainment and holding a raffle are to be celebrated for their fantastic achievement of long standing voluntary service.
Shelley Newman, the longest volunteer at the club, celebrated 30 years in February and was awarded a hotel stay, thanks to Room to Reward, and her Certificate of Long Service for her fantastic achievement and dedication to the Ferndown Blind Club. Read more about Shirley’s voluntary service here.

Other long standing volunteers, including; Beryl Balinas celebrating 25 years, Eric Collingwood celebrating 15 years and Elizabeth Holt celebrating 10 years were awarded their Certificate of Long Service by Jonathan Holyhead, CEO of Dorset Blind Association.
We’d like to thank all of our volunteers that dedicate their time to support visually impaired people across Dorset and celebrate their outstanding contribution to the local community. Our long standing volunteers are a vital part of Dorset Blind Association that are hugely appreciated by everyone at DBA.

Elizabeth Holt

Beryl Balinas