Our Dining in The Dark event, held at Escoffier Restaurant and Coastline Brassiere on Thursday 21st March was a hugely successful evening, raising nearly £2000! The successful event was run in association with Bournemouth and Poole College.

Our 42 guests were welcomed to a dimly lit room, to approximate something similar to what it is like to live with a visual impairment, with the added option of being completely blindfolded throughout their meal: effectively to simulate blindness.
The catering students at the college cooked a surprise six-course meal, with the onus on the diners to try and discern what it was they were eating using their sense of taste, smell and touch. We were also lucky enough to be joined by the BBC’s Sarah Farmer, who interviewed some of our guests and also tried out the dining experience for herself, for a piece on the following day’s South Today. Watch the video here:
We would like to thank all of our guests, the fantastic staff and the amazing students at Escoffier who made the night such a huge success!
Click here to see the photographs from the night!