Happy 112th Birthday Lillian!

A message from our CEO, Jonathan about our oldest member Lillian born in 1908.

“Some of you will know Lillian, one of our members in Swanage, who is rather elderly. Well “rather elderly” is a bit of an understatement as she is in fact now the oldest person in the country and tomorrow will celebrate – if that’s the right word at the moment – her 112th birthday!

In normal times I would have gone to see her in Swanage at the home which cares for her so well – she is an amazing lady and fascinating to talk to and the times I have been able to do that have been a huge privilege – but with the pandemic I sadly cannot visit her, so flowers and a card have been sent instead.

Lillian was still managing to attend our club in Swanage as recently as last year, which I think is pretty amazing for someone that age and I hope is an endorsement of just how much people appreciate the club opportunities.”

Photo of Lillian from her last Birthday with card from The Queen and flowers