Generous Donation Received

We have just been given an extraordinarily generous donation of £500 by a member who wishes to remain anonymous.

We are so thankful to all our members who support our work to provide help and services throughout Dorset. Our members support us through through their membership fees but, these additional voluntary donations make a real difference. Some members then also make the ultimate final gift of a legacy, for which we are most grateful.

For those involved in running the charity and providing our services, financial support from those we directly help is always the most pleasing to receive as it shows just how much the charity is valued by the people we help and that the help is appreciated by them. We have taken the liberty of providing a link if you want to donate online or you can do as our member did and call Jo on 01292 712865.

Photo shows range of images from our activities and support services

The photo shows the wide range of activities and support we give our members, some are on hold due to Covid but will resume as soon as possible.