Office & Services Manager
Jo is our Office and Services Manager and helps to keep everything (and indeed, everyone) running smoothly and efficiently within the charity. She has worked for DBA for over 10 years and in that time has turned her hand to a wide variety of tasks including blowing up 100’s of balloons, transcribing thousands of documents, helping to build a raft at an activity weekend and taking the ZipWire challenge – life is never dull at Dorset Blind Association!
Jo is also responsible for editing and sending out nearly 2,000 copies of the Dorset Link to our members in a variety of formats to cater for their individuals needs: be it in large print; on CD, tape or USB; via email or in Braille. so if you have anything you think would be of interest to readers of the Link, please contact her using the details below.
Contact Jo at or on 01202 712865