How we can help you

Finding out you have sight loss can be a frightening experience and leave you feeling alone and anxious about the future.

However, you are not alone.

For nearly 100 years, we’ve been helping Dorset people with visual difficulties to live full, active and happy lives. We’re now proud to help more than 1,000 people every month.

We’re here to help you adjust to living with sight loss, and give you the tools you need to live your life the way you want to.

Find out more about the different ways that we can help you.

Services for people with sight loss

Community Support

We’ll visit you to find out your individual needs and talk about how we can help you get the support you need.

Social Clubs for Visually Impaired People

Find out more about the 25 social clubs that we run across Dorset


One of our volunteers will regularly visit you to help with some of the things you might find difficult, from reading your post or checking your fridge.

Picture of entrance of Eye InfirmaryHelp At The Hospitals

Right from the moment you receive your diagnosis, we’re here to give you emotional support and non-medical information and advice.


We have equipment that can help make living with sight loss much easier. We’ll advise what equipment’s best for you.

Transcribing to audio and Braille

We convert text into a range of audio formats, large print or Braille.

audioAudiobook library

Find out about our extensive library of audiobooks on CD you can borrow.

Support for working age people

We can help you discover what you want for the future.

Support for families and carers

Sight loss doesn't affect the people with impaired vision.

Activities and sports

There’s things you can get involved with, from kayaking to Tennis. Come and join us!

Find out more

If you or someone you care for is experiencing sight loss, we’d really like to hear from you.  Please phone us on 01202 712869 or visit us at our centre in Poole.

Find out how to get in touch

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