“Dorset Blind is the future and there is a place for everybody here!”

Lynne has been a dedicated volunteer for Dorset Blind Association for 10 years and has been the backbone to many activities and events that we organised throughout the years. Lynne has always had a strong connection to charity work and is extremely passionate about helping to make a big difference for those less fortunate.
Having been a teacher, fundraising manager and a trainer to several volunteers, Lynne has brought lots of experience to help us at Dorset Blind Association develop and grow. Having trained volunteers in the past, Lynne has found her niche volunteering for Dorset Blind Association. She admits that this path in her life is a slight surprise but is happy with all the opportunities she’s been given. Being retired, Lynne stresses the importance of keeping busy. An opportunity to ‘give back’ to people was a strong motivator in her move to volunteer for Dorset Blind.
Lynne was drawn to DBA due to the range of services and support that it provides to blind and partially sighted people and their families. Having worked with RNIB prior to joining Dorset Blind, Lynne feels a strong affinity to charities that help the visually impaired. She also draws upon her personal experience having had a partially sighted mother-in-law. She is proud to be part of Dorset Blind,a local charity that supports blind and partially sighted people in the whole of Dorset.
Lynne feels the strong sense of camaraderie within Dorset Blind helps bring out the best in the team. Plenty of hugs and positive energy helps keep everybody in high spirits and produces a positive reaction that rubs off on our members, many of whom are ageing and have lost their social confidence. She is inspired by the bravery of our members and their positive outlook on life.

Through her past endeavors, Lynne feels that she has the experience and a good understanding of fundraising to help make a difference to Dorset Blind as well as offering help to those who are new to fundraising. She is a very outgoing personality and is constantly looking for new opportunities to support the charity. She is more than happy to get involved in a range of activities from dressing up as a tiger to encouraging people to ice cup cakes with a blindfold on.
Lynne expresses how important volunteers are to members of the charity. It is extremely important for Dorset Blind to have volunteers to help our members with any support or advice they might need in order for them to feel safe and supported. She also brings up the importance of fundraising volunteers within the charity. Doing collections, and attending various events to raise awareness are a small part of helping Dorset Blind to grow within the community. Dorset Blind gives its volunteers the opportunity to have a role tailored to them so as to make them feel at ease with the help they are providing to the charity.
Lynne believes Dorset Blind is the future. She feels our charity is making great strides to provide support and services to as many people as possible in Dorset.